Industry Shortage in the Psychiatric Mental Health Arena

If you or someone you know is struggling to access mental health care, this is of no surprise, as finding access to psychiatric services is a continued challenge throughout Wisconsin, the options are limited at best. Per the Kaiser Family Foundation, Wisconsin is addressing only 20% of its population's need for mental health care. Some providers are reporting wait lists of six months or longer just to accept new patients.


Jon Lehrmann, the Chairman of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine at the Medical College, was recently quoted in the Wisconsin Journal Sentinel-- voicing his concern: "It's hard to get in to see a psychiatrist in the Milwaukee area, and up north, it's almost impossible."

How Does This Affect You?

In Waukesha County alone, there are currently 15 full time and 1 part time out-patient psychiatric prescribing providers. To better illustrate the disparity, there exists only one psychiatric prescribing provider for a population of 8, 842 people. In order to adequately meet the needs of the population, Wisconsin requires 22 MORE full-time psychiatric prescribing providers. The data can be found in the following link:

We Are Here to Help.

Alay Health Team, nestled in Waukesha County in Pewaukee, Wisconsin, is now accepting new patients to be seen and cared for by psychiatric prescribing providers.

Although Alay Health Team is in Waukesha County, residents of Wisconsin from neighboring counties as well as far away counties in Wisconsin, are welcome to be seen.


Alay Health Team offers on-site visits in Pewaukee, Wisconsin as well as Tele-Psych providers.

Spread the word! Wisconsinites deserve quality care and easy access to psychiatric prescribing providers and Alay Health Team is here to help!